Michael Levine's Online Résumé

Tornado reports data source: SPC WCM
Raw CSV file accessed via hyperlink at bottom of page (1950-2023_actual_tornadoes.csv).
FIPS Codes listed in the above file were then cross-referenced with their respective counties.


The following languages/tools are used on this site:
-Bootstrap (site layout/stylizing)
-FontAwesome (special buttons)
-Plotly (tornado charts)
-Leaflet (tornado maps)
-PHP (database querying)
-PostgreSQL (database hosting)

-The U.S. Census Bureau for their cartographic boundary files, used in the creating of the tornado county maps
-Eric Celeste for converting these boundary files to GeoJSON, so that they could be used with Leaflet

This web server was built and runs on a DigitalOcean droplet.

Please contact Mike Levine at mikelevine@me.com with any questions or bug reports.

Download Résumé

I am the main developer of this tool.
Note: NOAA account credentials are required to view this project.

MDL NDFD_Stats Viewer

Select a state to view a table of tornado counts by county.
Select a county to view its tornado counts by year.
Select neither to view an interactive map of tornado counts by county for the entire country.

Note: Results that contain "Unknown County", represent SPC tornadoes that have incomplete county info or a FIPS code mismatch. These will be addressed soon, hopefully...

Tornado Stats Area